2023 Worship Schedule 8am - Outside | 9am - Sanctuary Traditional | 11am - Sanctuary Celebration Join Us


Giving at First Christian Church of the Beaches is simple and secure.

The simple answer is we believe everything we have comes from God in the first place. We give because we believe God has entrusted us to be leaders for hope in our church and our community.

What does "tithe" mean?

The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the body of Christ. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matter of participating in tithing and/or how much to give (James 1:5). Above all, all tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

What does "offering" mean?

An offering is a gift given to a specific need above and beyond our tithe.

What the Bible teaches

Giving acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17).

Giving reflects our trust that God will provide for us (Matthew 6:19-24).

Giving allows us to be active participants in God's work on earth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

Giving at FCCB is simple and secure. Whether you'd like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing giving, just click here to get started.