2023 Worship Schedule 8am - Outside | 9am - Sanctuary Traditional | 11am - Sanctuary Celebration Join Us


Celebrations of Life

"Jesus said...'I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.' " John 11:25-26

Dear Friend,

The Psalmist writes “…who shall live and not see death?” (Psalm 89:48). Death is a reality of our living and, as in all things, the thoughtful Christian acknowledges this reality and prepares for its inevitability. The time to prepare for our own death is when we are sound of body and mind. Making careful plans well in advance of one’s death is a very loving way to provide family members who remain in this life an opportunity to properly deal with their own grief. These plans also keep survivors from being burdened with the many details which are required at the time of death.

The death of a loved one always brings sadness, pain, confusion, and physical and mental anguish. By providing information on this webpage, we hope that persons will be aided in having a natural and reasonable period of grief. This crucial period need not be complicated by gathering the necessary information and planning the find details involved in Christian burial. We feel the preparation offered here will better enable those who have lost a loved one to avoid such complications. All of this is a function of love, and we urge you to consider it in that light.

If we may be of any assistance to you, please have no hesitation in contacting any of the pastors of our congregation.

Yours in Christ

Pastor Nathan Loewen

Lead Pastor

*one of the Pastors on staff must be participating and leading the service.